Physical Performance Factors

Michael Conroy, USA Weightlifting International Coach

The category of Sports Performance has been around for more than 20 years, yet it has gone through several evolutions.


At the onset training athletes was based upon PPF (Physical Performance Factors)

What are the specific demands of a sport or activity? (These are the PPF’s)

How are the PPF’s assessed? 

How is a program designed so the PPF is met?

Are checks and balances included so that the training can be adjusted so the athlete experiences continuous improvement?


At Crown Performance we would like our athletes to understand our approach so that they can ‘see’ how we implement PPF’s so that they attain their goals.


The goals of any training program.

The expected outcome of a Training Program should be as follows;

  1. Improve Performance
  2. Increase Work Capacity
  3. Refine Technique
  4. Reduce, and even eliminate, injury


How is this accomplished?

The first step is philosophical. Training athletes is, actually, a variation of the The Hippocratic Oath. This is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards, by stating the following; “First. Do No Harm.”


In the 21st century this means that the coaches take a position of what, in education, is called DDDM. Data Driven Decision Making.

What does the “science” say about a particular training approach and is this approach applicable to the specific athlete?


More importantly how does the coach differentiate individual training in a group setting?

The idea of One Size Fits All is no longer acceptable. Coaches must have a myriad of approaches so that EACH athlete understands that they are both known and supported in their quest to achieve.


Crown uses the 3 legged stool approach. There is the Athlete, The Coach and The Program. It’s called the 3 legged stool because 3 legged stools NEVER wobble. They are always firm to the Ground.


Crown uses DDDM in dealing with our athletes.


Areas of Training




Anaerobic Threshold

Aerobic Capacity

Skill Sets of the chosen sport

Most Certainly Crown Performance and The USA Weightlifting Community Development Site that is embedded use the American Developmental Model (ADM) that is promoted by the United States Olympic Committee when it comes to training Youth Athletes ( ages U-11 to age 20 ) USAW is a proud partner of the ADM

More information on the ADM can be found at this link


The athletes at Crown Performance are actively engaged in every step of their training. Assessments are a continuous and ingrained part of the training. 


Programs are based upon the Whole/Part/Whole Progressions and Periodization.

Nothing is left to chance, luck or emotion. Science and Technique drive the training.


Want to set up a meeting? Contact us at Crown Performance.

Why Train the Weightlifting Movements?

Why Train the Weightlifting Movements?

Note: Back in 1999 at the OTC in Colorado Springs NSCA founder Boyd Eply led a study group to give the rationale for using the weightlifting movements (Snatch, Clean, Jerk) in the training programs for athletes in other sports. These statements are as true now as they were then. In January of 2016 at the NSCA National Convention USA Weightlifting Director of Education shared these same statements in his presentation to the NSCA membership

As College Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association (CSCCa) co-founder Pat O’Shea stated in his well-read book, Quantum Strength and Power Training “Power is the name of the game.”
If you are an athlete trying to improve performance the best approach, without a doubt, is to incorporate the use of the Snatch, Clean, Jerk, along with Pulls, Squats and presses into your training.

The goal of any training program should be 4 fold

  1. Improve performance
  2. Increase work capacity
  3. Refine technique
  4. Reduce and even eliminate injury.

No one gave the reasons for the above mentioned approach better than Boyd Eply and below is an abridged version of his original concepts

Reasoning, Application, and Movement

1. Ground Based Activities

Sport skills are initiated by applying force, to the ground, with the feet. The more force applied the faster an athlete will run, or throw and the more effective they will be in their sport. All training programs should include exercises that apply force, with the feet, to the ground. (Boyd Eply, 1999)
“Sport is played on your feet. You want to train on your feet.”

2. Multiple Joint Actions

Most sports involve multiple joint actions timed in proper neuromuscular patterns. Isolating single joint actions may improve an athletes appearance but athletes need to concentrate on activities involving sequential multiple joint actions to improve performance.

3. Three Dimensional (3D) Movements

Sport Skills involve movement in three planes of space, simultaneously. Only Free Weight Movements allow for this Forward-backward, Up and down and Side to side movement. This makes transfer skills of strength and power easier to merge with sports skills. Machine training limits the development of sport skills.

4. Train Explosively

Training explosively, with free weights, allows more fast twitch fibers to be recruited, and in return, improves athlete performance. Proper training with explosive lifts allows the athlete to generate more force.

Of Course you can also contact us here at the USA Weightlifting Community Development Site at Crown Performance at this link.

Be sure to open the USAW Community Development Training Site on the Menu tab and if we are close enough to you drop in and check us out. Even if your far away contact us and we will assist you remotely.

WOD 4.11

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis nisl in est vulputate, eu finibus arcu mollis. Sed sodales ultricies sem, non condimentum tellus dapibus ac. Integer dictum tortor id augue hendrerit, blandit elementum purus fringilla. Vestibulum quis luctus nulla. Quisque in fringilla orci. Donec ullamcorper quis ligula sit amet tincidunt. Quisque arcu ligula, semper non est eu, dapibus egestas lectus. Donec vel nibh vel mauris aliquet sollicitudin.

Nam faucibus, massa quis iaculis egestas, quam metus placerat eros, vitae efficitur nisi elit a nibh. Quisque ac ipsum nunc. Cras commodo consequat tellus, et pretium ante sagittis eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis et velit lorem. Nunc non orci maximus, rhoncus magna in, pellentesque nisl. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc rutrum, diam id dapibus condimentum, turpis nisl eleifend magna, at aliquet est arcu id eros. Aenean malesuada suscipit purus, in laoreet erat viverra a. Sed nec malesuada arcu.

Etiam euismod enim at dapibus consectetur. Aenean hendrerit risus ut dolor laoreet commodo eget in elit. Maecenas sed pharetra mi, quis sodales sapien. Nam nulla quam, iaculis id finibus sed, consequat a dui. Donec vitae est urna. Duis sit amet porta mi, quis gravida arcu. Phasellus ac sapien semper, viverra tortor quis, aliquam est. Mauris a diam leo. Donec nec leo id elit mollis tristique sit amet bibendum libero. Nullam pulvinar elementum turpis, elementum congue risus.

WOD 4.10

When you get into a good rhythm at the gym, it can be challenging to keep momentum during periods when you cannot be in the gym.  With the holiday season quickly approaching (I saw Christmas lights at Target already….) here are 10 workouts you can crush at home, your parents, in-laws…wherever the wind takes you!

  1. 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

20 double unders/40 singles

100m run


  1.  10 rounds

5 burpees

10 push-ups

15 squats

  1.  2 rounds

50 squats

50 situps

40 double unders/80 singles

40 lunges

30 push-ups

30 double unders/singles


  1.  10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1




  1.  12 minute amrap

200m run

15 squats

15 push-ups


  1.  7 min burpees


  1.   4 rounds

20 squats

15 push-ups

1 v-ups


  1.  4 rounds

1 min each

Shuttle run



1 min rest at the end of each round



  1.  14m AMRAP

22 lunges

10 push-ups

15 sit-ups


  1.  20 push-ups

40 burpees

20 squats

30 burpees

20 lunges (Left+Right=1 lunge)

20 burpees

20 broad jumps

10 burpees


Looking forward to cooler weather and sweatpants,
